City Area Friends meet for worship at 11am every Sunday (same time all year).
Our meetinghouse is in Galloway Township, New Jersey,
near Absecon (click here for directions).
At 11am, we settle into a living, expectant silence. Many of us have come
to Friends as adults and we welcome first-time seekers to come visit and
share what we've found!
Children are very welcome and our building is wheelchair-accessible.
Letter to Members and Attenders
1828 Meetinghouse Restoration
Upcoming and Recent
EVERY SUNDAY: Adult RE discussion at 10 AM, Meeting for Worship at 11 AM.
(same time all year). Please offer suggestions for discussion topics to the clerk. Query for the month will be discussed on the day we hold meeting for business.
During summer, we worship in our historic 1828 meetinghouse! What a calm and delightful setting!
Feb 21 (Thurs) 5:30 to 7 pm PIZZA and spiritual discussion. Topic?
Feb 24 (Sun) Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting at Westfield MM. Making our Meetinghouses more inviting. Decision making and lessons learned by meetings. Who wants to attend and/or carpool?
*March 10 (Sun) Salem QM at Woodstown, topic Buddhism and Quakers.
*March 17 (Sun) - Meeting for Business *Note change of Meeting for Business from second the third Sunday of the month.
Hosting Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting, April 28
Topic Ecological History of Southern NJ Jamie Cromartie. Quarterly Meeting reports a high level of interest in environmental topics. We hope for 20-25 guests.
Lunch to include vegan, gluten free and dairy free options Hike will be scheduled afterwards.
March 21 (Thursday) - PIZZA and spiritual discussion, 5:30 to 7 pm at Meetinghouse.
April 18 (Thursday) - PIZZA and spiritual discussion, 5:30 to 7 pm at Meetinghouse.
Pizza and Spiritual Discussion, TUESDAY October 6! Yes, election night, 5:30 to 7 pm. Bring friends!
Topic for discussion, Sunday, November 4 (10 am): We will be considering one of the Queries, below. Worship at 11, as usual.
The new version of Faith and Practice (source of the Queries) still has me somewhat confused& Things will be easier if most of us switch to the new version ASAP. You can pick up a copy at meeting for $12. Or call me. Ill mail it.
QUERY - Witnessing in the World: Witness and Civic Responsibility What is our meeting doing: To become aware of systemic legal, economic and political injustices in our local community? To build relationships with other faith communities around common concerns? To reduce polarization within the larger community? To work together with others to address injustice? How does our meeting assist in restoring public recognition that government fulfills legitimate functions? Am I mindful of how my lifestyle, work-life and investments affect others? Am I open to seeking clearness on matters of conscience? Am I open to assisting others in doing so? Do I fulfill my civic responsibilities when they do not conflict with divine leading?
WORLD QUAKER DAY invitation - October 7, 2018
Hello, Friends! What is up? I ask because there are some people on this list whom we have not seen in a while! And we really want to know how things are going!
We invite you to join us to celebrate WORLD QUAKER DAY on Sunday, October 7. This is an international event! Quakers EVERYWHERE will gather to share, learn and celebrate. Our plans are simple:
10:30 . Quaker Conversation. What did George Fox mean in 1656 when he said to his friends and then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone. What does that mean today? 11:15 . Meeting for Worship Noon . POTLUCK LUNCH! Bring something to share. So let us get together and catch up! We can celebrate milestones, share joys and sorrows, and think about our community.
PLEASE, if it is the case that only joined us once or have not come to Meeting in several years, DO NOT let that stop you from coming! You are important to us and we would LOVE to see you. As always, family and friends are welcome. Alice Gitchell, Clerk
September 28 30 at Camp Ockanickon in Medford NJ: TriQuarter Gathering of Friends. Theme We are Family. Wonderful activities! Workshops, art show, Young Adult Friends session, dancing, canoeing, other outdoor fun. For additional support, contact Cindy Cox Crispin email CindyCoxCrispin@gmail.com put Tri-Q in subject line.
August 16 (Thursday). Pizza and spiritual discussion (tentative). 5:30 to 7 pm at Meetinghouse.
August 12 - Meeting for Business, 10 am. All welcome! There is no Adult RE on this date.
There will be no Meeting for Business in July.
July 25 through 29 Annual Sessions PYM 2018. College of New Jersey,
Ewing Twp. Topic How Our Lives Speak. www.pym.org/annual-sessions
Make plans NOW!
July 18 (Wednesday) Peace Pilgrim Birthday Celebration 5 to 8 pm at
Peace Pilgrim Park in Egg Harbor City on the 500 block of London
Avenue. BYO food, a chair or blanket, and musical instrument(s).
Historic Meetinghouse Celebration
OPEN HOUSE with tour, brief presentation and refreshments.
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: 437 South Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ 08205
Atlantic City Area Meeting is proud to announce the RESTORATION of its historic 1828 Meetinghouse. Join Friends for a tour and brief presentation, followed by refreshments.
Built in Woodstown, New Jersey, this beautiful old Meetinghouse was home to several Quaker groups but fell into disuse in the 1960s. It was purchased by Historic Smithville in 1969 and moved to Galloway Township. From there it was moved to its current Pitney Road location in 1987.
The complete renovation accomplished over the past few years ensures that this antique building will be available to future generations.
For details, contact Alice Gitchell at 609 653 6217.